You may freely copy and give away the ANIMAC II program on these conditions:
• Any copy must be given completely free of charge. You may not even charge for the media (i.e. disk) on which ANIMAC is distributed.
Inclusion in shareware libraries on non-commercial BBS services is permitted ONLY if the release date (see enclosed Read-Me-First file) is no more than 6 months ago. If this is not the case, you may NOT distribute this version of ANIMAC. Instead, please obtain a later version, either from another BBS or directly from the author. This is to ensure that only the latest, most complete and error-free version is distributed.
Commercial distribution (here defined as any distribution for which a charge is made for media and/or connect time, or any distribution together with a product offered for sale) is prohibited without prior permission from the author. Permission will not be unduly withheld, so please write or fax.
If you wish to receive an original disk with the latest version of ANIMAC, please send US$ 10 to address below (US cash, check or money order, please) to cover disk, packaging and air mail postage.
• Any copies distributed must be completely unmodified.
• You may include your own animation, x-sheet and sound files with ANIMAC, but please clearly specify that they are your own, not a part of the ANIMAC software. If you include any copyrighted material in your files, the responsibility for any claims by any third party is entirely yours.
• You MUST include the INFO file "ANIMAC Read Me First" with every copy you distribute.
• It is recommended that you include this "ANIMAC II User's manual" file with the program. The recipient will then have all necessary information on how to use ANIMAC.
• ANIMAC is NOT "public domain", i.e. the author retains all copyrights to the program. The permission granted you to copy ANIMAC in no way diminishes the author's copyrights, nor does it give you any specific rights other than the right to copy and distribute the program as stated here.
• ANIMAC will run in demo mode on a computer not equipped with the "software enabler" that is supplied with a purchased copy of ANIMAC. It is unlawful to attempt to "break" this "demo protection" by hardware or software disassembly, reverse engineering or any other means.